The attack on strong beer

Her majesty Queen Elizabeth the second pictured with her favourite pre weakened super T
You may think the plight of the common droof is a problem for only a very small sect of society a subculture to some that is best forgotten about and in no way to be celebrated well we here at the free speech underground have a different opinion you see we do not look down on groups of people and try to impede their way of life we do not shame the common jakey.
In years gone by the choice of drink for droofs up and down scotland was the super lagers they ranged in strength from %7 to %12 but this all changed with a barking order spewed forth from the bowels of Hollyrood not a polite suggestion but another case of government overreach the type of condescending order that could only come from a politician. This type of behavior is to be expected from these people they pretend they know what's best whilst wagging the authoritarian finger at those affected knowing full well this will only hurt the poor ironically this party claims to be for the people yet only benefits a certain type of socially acceptable middle class scot.
Yet again the SNP has shown itself to be an enemy of small businesses as this clampdown has hit the lowly off licence owner the most we have to ask the question at this point why not the super markets? They still run free with their four pound a can hipster IPAs is nicola sturgeon in bed with big tesco? somehow they get a pass but super T no more, super skill no more, special brew no more they all now sit at the weakened state of %7'5 a mear shadow of their powerful former glory. (although super kestrel remains at %9 but is only available on amazon)
In conclusion you may assume that this is just a rant about the strength of beer but it speaks to a deeper problem it is that of government overreach we can't allow a big brother like entity sitting in Edinburgh luxury to dictate its unquestionable will upon the masses.
Editor and chief.
Shaun Taylor.

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